Vine Trimmer Type DD

With advanced technology for the most demanding continuous use

The leaf cutter type DD features outward-facing cutting unit suspensions with cutting units suspended at the center of gravity, meaning there is no tilting of the displacement and no entanglement of the hose package in the boom.

Bolted cutting units with 3mm base plate in conjunction with an aluminum V-belt tensioning strip ensure the highest stability of the cutting unit.

The leaf cutter type DD features individually adjustable (optionally electrically) side cutting units with triple collision protection.

The inclination cylinders come standard with locking blocks.

Technical Data Vine Trimmer Type DD

  • Cutting length: Horizontal 1 knife (70cm) with separate oil motor and V-belt; Vertical 3 knives (160cm) or 4 knives (176cm)
  • The operating pressure is approximately 80 bar at 10L/min
  • The motors are connected in series (no flow divider required)
  • Control with one or two control units
  • Made of stainless steel


  • Available with plant shoot lifter
  • Undercutting knife